What “Women’s Self-Defense” Tips Don’t Tell You About Martial Arts

Whenever news stories pop up about a woman being attacked by her husband or boss or friend or a stranger, the comments that start...

New Year, New Team: Being A Welcoming Teammate For An Influx...

It's almost the new year, and that means lots of people are going to start jiu-jitsu as part of their New Year's resolution to...

When You Feel Like You’ve Hit A Progress Rut

When you first start jiu-jitsu, you start to feel good about your progress very, very fast. You learn a lot of very big concepts...

What Every White Belt Should Know About Competing In BJJ

Our coaches and upper belt teammates do the best they can in preparing us for all the challenges that jiu-jitsu throws at us, but...

“My Partner Is Uncomfortable With Me Training Jiu-Jitsu. What Do I...

I know, I know --- "Dump them!" Alternatively, if you don't want to end an otherwise fulfilling relationship, there are more ways to settle jiu-jitsu-related...

10 Great Pieces Of Advice From 10 Great Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black...

It can take more than 10 years to earn the coveted BJJ black belt, and it is rare to meet a black belt without...

How Getting Promoted In Jiu-Jitsu Can Help Build A Child’s Character

Getting your child involved in virtually any sport can have an amazing impact on their physical and mental health while developing important life skills...