Adaptive Grappler “Wheelchairjitsu” Needs Your Help Today

No legs? That’s no excuse not to do…well, anything, according to Brian “Wheelchairjitsu” Freeman the adaptive grappling competitor, disabled veteran, and generalized maniac on wheels. And this weekend it’s definitely no excuse not to help a good friend very much in need. On August 11, Freeman will be rolling–himself in his chair–to raise money for the medical fund of good buddy Kyle, a father and soon-to-be-married man about to undergo life changing brain tumor surgery.

“The thought behind me doing this was if i can help a friend I’m going to help a friend,” Freeman told JJT, as he prepared to glove up, strap in, and push around North Carolina for miles in the middle of August. (With a broken hip. Because why do something insane and challenging if you can’t make it even more insane and challenging?) Freeman is hoping folks will pledge $1 for every mile he pushes, or simply donate a lump sum directly to Kyle’s GoFundMe. (Link to that is below.)

Freeman will have teammates with him during his five hours of physical exertion, and will be doing intermittent live streams and updates from the road via Instagram and Twitter. He spoke a little on why he chose to do a wheelchair push vs. something on the jits mats, like usual.

“I’ve spent a lot of time preaching to others to get them out of their comfort zone. I had the realization that anything under the umbrella of BJJ or martial arts in 110% in my comfort zone now. It’s time for new growth. Do crazy shit in the eyes of people who don’t know Wheelchairjitsu,” Freeman explains.

The surgical procedure Kyle faces is risky. Kyle may lose control of the muscles in his face, and permanently lose hearing in one ear, and the cost of the procedure is–well, what we’ve come to expect of health care in America, which is to say disastrous for the average working man with a family.

“He’s your regular guy working for Verizon, so getting him and his family a little extra financial cushion would reduce a lot of stress,” explains Freeman.

To help contribute to Freeman’s efforts for Kyle, you can visit Brian on Instagram and Twitter at @Wheelchairjitsu. There’s a Venmo set up for donations linked through those accounts, and you can shoot him a note of encouragement as well in the comments. Alternatively, click here to donate directly to Kyle’s medical fund.

It’s pretty sad that we have to rely on disabled veterans like Brian to get the funding needed for good working men to receive medical care, but here we are. Do the right thing and throw a few dollars in the hat to make the world worth living in.

Props to Brian for taking this on. Oss!


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