BJJ Fanatics To Donate $25,000 & Start Fund To Help Jiu-Jitsu Schools Through Pandemic

Like many industries throughout the world, the jiu-jitsu community was heavily and negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic as the virus spread throughout the world in 2020. Academies were closed, many of them permanently, and events were shut down to comply with regulations designed to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Though we hoped last year that things would be back to “normal” by the time 2021 came around, we know now that this isn’t the case. Now, jiu-jitsu DVD giant BJJ Fanatics is stepping up to help gyms in need as they try to survive closures and a lack of government assistance.

BJJ Fanatics co-founder Bernardo Faria has announced that the company would be setting up a fund for jiu-jitsu academies that need financial assistance in the new year. They’ll also be starting things off with a $25,000 donation of their own.

The endeavor is reminiscent of Jason Scully’s achievement of raising $30,000 through Grapplers Guide in April 2020 to help gyms survive as COVID numbers began to climb.

Details on the BJJ Fanatics announcement are still to come, but be on the lookout for further details to see how you can contribute to this great cause.


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