BJJ White Belt Jailed For Abusing Girlfriend

As much as we love jiu-jitsu, there will always be people in it who give it a bad name. Some of these people are fake black belts and others are instructors who abuse their students and run their gym like a cult.

However, nothing is worse in our little community than the people who use the art to commit acts of violence against innocent people, which brings me to the subject of this article from the English newspaper, The Sun.

Scott Davis, a white belt (mistakenly referred to in the article as a “jiu-jitsu expert”) was recently released from a 10-month jail sentence for abusing his girlfriend.

Davis’ abuse included slapping his girlfriend, choking her until she was unconscious, and even putting her in thumb locks. All of this was done in order to control her. According to The Sun, Davis forced her to wear dresses and dye her hair red.

After being choked unconscious, the woman worked up the courage to leave her relationship with Davis.

Defense attorney Timothy Sleigh-Johnson said Davis did not realize his behavior was inappropriate.

Understandably, the courts and the rest of society did.

Scott Davis is currently serving a five-year restraining order where he is forbidden from making any contact with his ex-girlfriend.



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