Latest Photo Of Matt Hughes

Matt Hughes is apparently recovering well after a life-threatening car crash months ago.

Tony Zucca, a man who describes Hughes as his best friend, recently posted a picture of himself and the former Welterweight Champion, who is in a wheelchair. Hughes looks thinner, but he is conscious and he looks happy.

In the post, Zucca writes:

I can’t even describe the emotions I am feeling as I write this post. Less than two months ago I didn’t know if my best friend was going to make it, and tonight we made a jail break for sushi (in disguise. Ha). Talk about a rollercoaster of emotions! His progress is nothing short of a miracle. He is working so hard and fights through the frustration. He is, as he’s always been, an inspiration 



  1. Matt from the early times @ Ultimate Fitness! Always knew You were the True Champion of All the UFC Champs Housed @Militich Fighting Systems! Communicate with GOD & Jesus will answer!


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