Matt Hughes’ Eyes Open And Off Ventilator

Matt Hughes‘ eyes are open and he is off his ventilator according to Pastor Jim Hayes of St. James Baptist Church in Hillsboro, Illinois.

The news was reported in The Journal News, a newspaper in Montgomery County Illinois.

Pastor Jim, however, still said Hughes had a long way to go, even though he had improved a lot.

Matt Hughes was injured back in June when his truck collided with a speeding train.

Hughes is a UFC Hall of Famer and two-time Welterweight Champion. He is notable for being one of only two people to have a win over another UFC Welterweight Champion, Georges St-Pierre. He is also the only one to force the former champion to submit. He is second only to St-Pierre in UFC welterweight title defenses.

Matt Hughes is an NCAA Division I wrestler.


  1. Hey Bob! When Matt makes a full recovery and is ready to get back into the octagon, you should be his first opponent! Talk smack behind your cell phone but I wonder how cocky you would be in person

  2. He has always been my favorite! I’ve been following his story from the beginning and have a bunch of friends praying for him and his family. God bless you Matt! Recover soon!

  3. Matt Hughes what a warrior, I feel he will recover if anyone can come back from adversity it’s Matt Hughes, soldier till the end.

  4. So people have no class at all. And I will safely say bob ( with a small b ) don’t have enough are to back what his texts spew out.


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