MMA Fighter Bites Opponent, Wins Fight

Konfrontacja Sztuk Walki (KSW) Lightweight Champion Mateusz Gamrot retained his title last night at KSW 39: Colosseum, even after biting his opponent, UFC veteran Norman Parke.

You can check out the video below:

The incident happened after a heated weigh-in between the two.

An understandably angry Parke pushed Gamrot away after the match. speculated that Gamrot won because he is Polish and was fighting in Warsaw, Poland’s capital city. The website also said that most people felt Parke won.

According to Wikipedia, KSW is Poland’s “premiere mixed martial arts organization.” Last night’s event made history for having the second highest attendance record in mixed martial arts with 58,000 people filling the The PGE Narodowy to watch the event.


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