Ralek Gracie Challenges AJ Agazarm After AJ “Pirates” Metamoris On Facebook

Ralek Gracie issued an official challenge to AJ Agazarm today on Facebook. Gracie wants to take on The Florida Boy in a no-time-limit, submission-only match at Metamoris on November 26 in Denver.

Gracie also accused Agazarm of pirating Metamoris, saying AJ stole money from the very athletes he claimed to support.

Ralek has promised that all proceeds from his potential match with Agazarm would go towards paying Metamoris athletes. Gracie has been repeatedly criticized for not paying grapplers at Metamoris.

You can read Ralek Gracie’s message to AJ Agazarm below:

I am formally challenging AJ Agazarm to a no-time-limit, submission-only match on November 26th in Denver, Colorado. All…

Posted by Metamoris on Saturday, October 14, 2017



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