Teen Who Allegedly Choked Mom’s ex-Boyfriend to Death After Abuse is Charged with Manslaughter

Luis Moux

A New York woman’s son has been officially charged after he reportedly choked his mother’s ex-boyfriend and eventually killed him. According to reports from Chicago’s WGN TV , the son began choking the man after witnessing him abusing his mother.

Police state that 43-year-old Stanley Washington, the mother’s ex-boyfriend, appeared at the woman’s apartment. The interaction eventually resulted in an intense argument that descended into violence. The woman’s son, Luis Moux, heard what was happening and ran from his bedroom to the scene of the incident. Moux pulled the man off of his mother and began choking him until he eventually lost consciousness. The woman, previously unconscious, awoke to find her son standing over the body of Stanley Washington.

For a period, it was unclear whether Moux was going to be officially charged with a criminal offense, but that doubt evaporated after the police apprehended Moux on Monday. This will be Moux’s first offense, as he does not have a prior criminal record. With this said, it is clear that Moux will not be charged with murder. He will instead be charged with manslaughter. Due to the boy’s 18 years of age, there is no doubt that Luis Moux will be charged as an adult in full criminal court.



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