Tim Kennedy Calls Out Gun Control Advocates, Says They Don’t Understand Why Guns Are Necessary

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Retired UFC Middleweight and Royler Gracie black belt Tim Kennedy is no fan of gun control advocates.

Kennedy wrote a lengthy post yesterday explaining why he believes gun control does not work.

According to the former Strikeforce title contender, “governments will always be overreaching,” and guns are necessary to protect our freedoms.

He also told gun control advocates that, until they live in “a tyrannical, socialists [sic], or anarchist country where violence and genocide can become the norm you can’t understand why we need guns.”

Whether or not you agree with Kennedy, he does have experience to back his claims up. As a member of the army Special Forces, he was deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, and no doubt saw just how badly oppressive governments can treat their citizens.

Still, the world has seen just how much damage an AR-15 rifle variant can do, and gun control advocates have every right to be concerned about them in the hands of private citizens.

The issue of control is a controversial one, and it won’t be solved any time soon.

You can read Tim Kennedy’s entire post below:

This is why we need guns. Ask Hitler, Castro, Mao Tse-Tung, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, or the countless others… if gun control worked for them.
Our forefathers did not have a glimpse into the future to know that the Second Amendment would have to protect the weapons we have today. But they did know that governments will always be overreaching. They wrote that beautiful constitution with the intent of limiting that power. We don’t need guns for hunting we need them for freedom.
Until you have been in a tyrannical, socialists, or anarchist country where violence and genocide can become the norm you can’t understand why we need guns. #guncontrol#gunreformnow


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