Urijah Faber and Nicky Ryan Will Face Off at Polaris 10

Polaris Pro 9 came and went today in London, and the UK promotion is already plugging its main draw for Polaris 10: submission grappling phenom Nicky Ryan versus UFC veteran Urijah Faber. The pair hit the mats on May 25.

Ryan most recently assassinated competitors at the ADCC trials, coming off momentum gained from from his wins over legend Masakazu Iminari at Polaris 8 and Hideo Tokyo at Quintet, both in 2018.

Brand new father Faber’s UFC record stands at 34-10-0. The Hall of Famer was last seen grappling as Team Captain at Quintet 3, drawing against Kazushi Sakuraba.

Nicky “The Necklace” and “The California Kid” Faber are hardly rivals. Ryan’s brother, Gordon, did most of the heavy lifting that brought Faber’s Team Alpha Male Quintet 3 glory this past winter.


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