Video Gives Closer Look At Conor McGregor Threatening Dustin Poirier After UFC 264 Fight

Following his victory at UFC 264, Dustin Poirier claimed that downed opponent Conor McGregor was shouting death threats at him after their fight. Now, video taken close to the cage reveals what Poirier was referring to.

While the quality of the audio makes it hard to confirm the exact threats quoted in the original tweet, the words “in your sleep you’re gettin’ it” and “it ain’t over” can clearly be heard coming from McGregor.

Hours ago, McGregor also shared and then deleted a series of tweets in apparent mockery of various things Poirier said before their fight.


He also tweeted out multiple pictures of Poirier, two of which included his daughter, and followed it up with a tweet that read “Gonezo”.

The highly anticipated trilogy fight between McGregor and Poirier ended abruptly at the end of the first round when McGregor broke his leg and was unable to continue. The lead-up to their fight contained plenty of beef and drama, and it looks like McGregor wants to continue the war of words even after the fight.


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