18-Year-Old Purple Belt World Pro Champion Ronaldo Silva Suffers Stroke While Training

Just a couple weeks ago, Brazilian athlete Ronaldo Silva was standing at the top of the podium at the UAEJJF World Pro. A week later, he was a Brasileiro silver medalist. But on Monday night, the 18-year-old purple belt was hospitalized with a stroke.

A post from the Dream Art Project reported that Silva suffered the stroke while performing a “simple grip exercise on the bar.” While it’s still unclear how the stroke will affect the young athlete, he has been showing promising signs of recovery — he’s lucid, eating on his own, and was able to answer questions. In fact, when asked at what weight he’d be a world champion, Silva is said to have replied, “featherweight.”

The full post reads as follows:

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Boa tarde a todos. Nosso querido atleta e amigo Ronaldo Silva teve um AVC (acidente vascular cerebral) isquêmico na noite de segunda-feira (aproximadamente 21:20h) durante um simples treino de grip na barra e o quadro é realmente grave. A escolha pela medicação trombolítica para desobstruir o vaso foi efetuada em um espaço de tempo bastante eficiente, graças principalmente a velocidade com que os amigos agiram para levá-lo ao hospital. Seu cérebro não apresentou inchaço considerável, o que poderia agravar a situação e significar uma cirurgia emergencial de descompressão retirando parte da calota do crânio. Mas infelizmente, a área danificada do cérebro, ainda que pequena, trouxe déficit motor do lado esquerdo do seu corpo, e possíveis outras consequências ainda não podem ser descartadas. Mesmo assim já existe uma evolução perceptível e favorável quanto à sua sensibilidade ao toque no braço, perna e rosto do lado esquerdo. Alem disso, Ronaldo sempre esteve lúcido, consciente, escutando e processando bem as informações, já comendo sozinho e falando com boa desenvoltura. Isso significou até ele responder uma pergunta do Isaque sobre qual peso ele será campeão mundial. Ele disse, olhando firme: PENA (além de falar que estava com fome). A raridade de um evento como este em um atleta de 18 anos também nos traz fortes esperanças. Some a isso a força, coragem e fé do Ronaldo, sabemos que sairemos dessa. Essas primeiras 48 horas eram bastante críticas (e ainda são) e ele está em monitoria constante da área afetada por exame de tomografia, internado na UTI. Os médicos estarão em busca das causas e com isso ajudar no processo de recuperação. A amplitude de fatores não é pequena. O quadro ainda é grave, incerto e infelizmente é cedo para um prognóstico preciso. Agradecemos imensamente ao ótimo quadro médico do Hospital SP, ligado à Escola Paulista de Medicina, e sua divisão de Neurologia. A ajuda não é só técnica, mas sim de um carinho enorme com o Ronaldo. Este momento de reabilitação exige algo que temos certeza que toda nossa comunidade pode muito dar, que é ORAÇÃO e OTIMISMO. Que DEUS, como sempre, escolha o lado certo da batalha. . Somos um. Somos Ronaldo.

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Good afternoon everyone.
Our dear athlete and friend Ronaldo Silva had an ischemic stroke on Monday night (approximately 9:20 pm) during a simple grip training on the bar and the picture is really serious. The choice for thrombolytic medication to clear the vessel was made in a very efficient time, thanks mainly to the speed with which his friends acted to take him to the hospital. His brain did not show considerable swelling, which could aggravate the situation and signify emergency decompression surgery by removing part of the skull cap. But unfortunately, the damaged area of ​​the brain, although small, brought a motor deficit on the left side of his body, and possible other consequences can not yet be ruled out. Even so, there is already a noticeable and favorable evolution as to his sensitivity to touch on the left arm, leg and face. In addition, Ronaldo has been lucid, aware, listening and processing information well, already eating alone and speaking with assurance. That meant until he answered a question from Isaac about what weight he will be world champion. He said, looking firmly: PENA (besides speaking that he was hungry). The rarity of an event like this in an 18-year-old athlete also brings us strong hopes. Add to this the strength, courage and faith of Ronaldo, we know we will get out of this. These first 48 hours were very critical (and still are) and he is in constant monitoring of the area affected by CT scan, admitted to the ICU. Doctors will be on the lookout for causes and thereby assist in the recovery process. The range of factors is not small. The picture is still serious, uncertain and unfortunately it is too soon for an accurate prognosis. We thank you immensely for the excellent medical picture of the Hospital SP, linked to the Escola Paulista de Medicina, and its division of Neurology. The help is not only technical, but a great affection with Ronaldo.
This moment of rehabilitation demands something that we are sure that our entire community can give, which is PRAYER and OPTIMISM. May God, as always, choose the right side of the battle.
We are one. We are Ronaldo.”

The Jiu-Jitsu Times will provide updates to this story and any opportunities to help Silva in his recovery as they become available.


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