Bullied Teen Charlee Funes Undergoes Transformation Through Jiu-Jitsu

If you recall the bullied teen that made her way to the news pre-summer, the fall semester appears to be being a little more kind to her.

Charlee Funes had been experiencing conflict with a boy at school that didn’t seem to be resolving itself. One day, the bullying reached a boiling point and Charlee became the victim of unanswered aggression, sustaining bruises and chipping a tooth in the process. What resulted is Charlee being afraid to go to school and needing intervention to move forward.

Luckily, Rener and the Gracie University extended their hand out by granting Charlee free tuition on a Bullyproof program at a local Gracie Certified Training Center near her. Charlee quickly fell in love with the art and participated in the Bullyproof program all summer, returning to school in the fall a much more confident and happy teen.

Watch the progression of events on this feature that recently hit the news.


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