A Reader Question: The Bluebelt Went Really Hard On Me!

A Jiu-jitsu Times Reader PM'd me and related the following story: "I have a few months of bjj training. I was rolling with a blue...

A Reader Question: Is it too soon for a three stripe...

"Is it too soon for a three stripe white belt to be trying to learn spiderguard? I'm told by my blackbelt it's the hardest guard. My...

Reader Question: “Do I need to be flexible to do BJJ?”

We recently got a fascinating question from one of our readers that I’d like to explore: “Do I need to be flexible to do BJJ?” Flexibility...

A Reader Question: The Infamous Sandbagger

"I know you have covered articles pertaining fake black belts getting demolished, but what about guys you lie about grappling experience walking into dojos...

Reader Question: “I feel like I don’t deserve my new belt;...

From time to time we get reader questions here at Jiu Jitsu Times.  As much as possible I like to address these questions from...

Reader Question: “How long should I wait before competing?”

At Jiu Jitsu Times, perhaps the best part of our blog is that we are able to connect directly with the community and provide...

A Reader Question: Bjj Tips for the BIG Guy

Recently Jiu-jitsu Times featured 3 Tips for Smaller Grapplers A reader writes Jiu-jitsu Times: "More stuff for BIG grapplers please! As a beginner at 6'6" it...

A Reader Question: Difference Between Jiu-Jitsu To Other Sports

"Why in Jiu-Jitsu to be a world champion most guys need to quit school but in other big sports they have to be in high...

A Reader Question: A beginner wants to come in late to...

"I'm brand-new to jujitsu. I have only been a class four times now the one thing that I find is that every time that...

A Reader Question: Persevering Through Injury

A Reader Question: Persevering Through Injury "I am a blue belt that suffered a cervical injury that has taken me off the mat and into...