Gracefully Giving (And Receiving) A “No Thanks” On The Mats

As nice as it would be if everyone could safely and comfortably roll with everyone else in jiu-jitsu, we all know the feeling of...

If You’re Always Picked Last, It’s Time For YOU To Start...

One of the most common sources of anxiety in a jiu-jitsu gym (or, hey, even in elementary school PE class) is the fear of...

Jiu-Jitsu Gyms & The Coffee Shop Principle

For some BJJ practitioners, there's so much emotion that goes into their practicing of the art that they forget that they are customers at...

What “Women’s Self-Defense” Tips Don’t Tell You About Martial Arts

Whenever news stories pop up about a woman being attacked by her husband or boss or friend or a stranger, the comments that start...

Dear White Belt: Your Time Will Come To Return The Favor

You'll likely hear throughout your time in jiu-jitsu that BJJ is a sport of give and take. When you first start training, that concept...

“Average” Blue Belts Can Be Important Mentors For White Belts

When many of us think of BJJ role (roll?) models, mental images of high-level brown and black belts come to mind. We look up...

What To Know Before Your First BJJ Class

Whether you've finally pursued the results of a Google search after a long time of wanting to try jiu-jitsu, or you're considering caving into...

Belt Promotions Are A Mess. Having A Coach You Trust Is...

You only need to cross-train or compete once or twice to realize that promotions in jiu-jitsu are relatively arbitrary. Of course, most jiu-jitsu instructors...

How To Get The Most Out Of A Private Jiu-Jitsu Lesson

While most jiu-jitsu lessons are taught in a group setting, many coaches and athletes also offer private lessons for students who want one-on-one instruction...

Is It Worth It?

Look. I'm tired. I am, like many of my friends and teammates, an ambitious hobbyist. That is, I have no aspirations to be an ADCC champion,...