Passive Hip Mobility Exercise Yields BIG Results

I recently made a trip to NYC to train jiu-jitsu and visit my best friend. Along the way, I was able to attend a...

Build A Strong Neck To Prevent Chokes & Stay On The...

I utilize neck isometric contractions to stabilize my neck. This helps to place myself in an optimal position for daily life and to protect...

How Focusing On Your Big Toe Can Help You To Move...

Lately I've decided to examine some of the best BJJ athletes and examine their athletic movement and also from biomechanical perspective. The goal is...

How “Opening Your Lungs” Early in the Day Can Help Your...

Besides engaging my core to create my "foundation" in the mornings, my other main focus is to "open my lungs" by priming my respiratory...

American Top Team’s Phil Daru Shares His Moves For A Steel...

Phil Daru is known as a strength and conditioning go-to for athletes who dismantle human bodies for money. Founder of his self-named Specialized Training...

No Mats? No Problem. Move Like An Animal To Stay In...

At its core, jiu-jitsu is a very animalistic sport. The movements we use in grappling help us return to our more primitive roots, and...

Strengthen Grips & Soften Shoulders With Passive Hang

Passively hanging from a pull-up bar is a catch-all exercise for recovery and performance that I use daily and with ALL my students. It strengthens...

Use These Essential Exercises To Protect Low Back While Training

In any walk of life low back pain --- even just the slightest bit --- can be debilitating. In a sport like BJJ where...

Use These Breathing Exercises to Stay Calm In The Most Stressful...

As a practicing yogi and "mindful athlete," I've learned that conscious awareness to the breath and ultimately sense perceptions is the foundation of deepening...

The Importance Of Mobility In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Introduction to Mobility Adequate joint mobility is essential for sustainable training and high -evel performance. The link above shares great mobility exercises to use before...