Increase Hip Mobility For Jiu-Jitsu With This Simple Exercise

I've been using a simple, yet highly effective exercise to increase my hip mobility. It involves training internal rotation of the hip joint, a...

The Importance Of Mobility In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Introduction to Mobility Adequate joint mobility is essential for sustainable training and high -evel performance. The link above shares great mobility exercises to use before...

Improve Your Breathing In BJJ & Maximize Your Cooldown With This...

Incorporating a psoas release into your routine may be the missing ingredient in your training regimen. What I share today is a catch-all exercise...

Activate Your Shoulders And Hit Chokes From Every Angle With This...

When doing this shoulder warm-up protocol, focus on lower belly breathing. Since we're focusing on the chest and shoulders, it's easy to fall into...

Improve Your BJJ And Balance With This Yoga Series

I love incorporating yoga poses such as these because they challenge your body's "neuromuscular command system" to assume a position while balancing on...

Activate Your Core and Bulletproof Low Back for Training

In today's post I share Dr. Stuart McGill's "Big 3," which are designed to stabilize and support the low back. They seem simple on...

Use Balance Training to Build Your Base

Balance goes hand in hand with stability and is an overarching umbrella skill that transcends components of movement and fitness. In my training philosophy,...

Use These Breathing Exercises to Stay Calm In The Most Stressful...

As a practicing yogi and "mindful athlete," I've learned that conscious awareness to the breath and ultimately sense perceptions is the foundation of deepening...

Banded BJJ Warm-Up For Shoulder Stability, Rotation, & Movement

Grappling and achy shoulders go hand in hand. This is a basic banded shoulder warm-up for the rotational components of the joint. I...

Train Weaknesses, But Display Strengths When It Matters

Too often, training and competition get intermingled. We must make clear distinctions in our focus. When competing or when you're in a position to...