Use This Exercise To Take Your BJJ Sweeps To The Next...

Even though jiu-jitsu isn't (or rather, shouldn't be) a battle of strength, there are still exercises you can do to improve certain techniques you...

Increase Hip Strength And Power With This Movement

The kettlebell swing has been instrumental in cueing hip extension for my body. It's been a safe way for me to work on this...

Simple Low Back Exercise to Increase Hip Stability & Strength

The QL (quadratus lumborum) walk has been an instrumental movement in balancing my hips and stabilizing my core after my low back incident in July. I love...

Strengthen Grips & Soften Shoulders With Passive Hang

Passively hanging from a pull-up bar is a catch-all exercise for recovery and performance that I use daily and with ALL my students. It strengthens...

Increase BJJ Hip Strength & Open Your Hips

It's one thing to simply do an exercise. It's another thing entirely to do an exercise in a fashion in which it's stored into...

Balance The Glass for Hip Stability

The bird dog exercise has been instrumental in my recovery and daily training since my low back flared up in July. As a BJJ...

9 Essential BJJ Core Stabilization Exercises

Core stabilization gives you a structural foundation to exhibit controlled, conscious strength. This is strength as a skill and not as might. And then...

Another BJJ Core Exercise To Tighten Top Pressure and Stabilize Spine

This fundamental jiu-jitsu exercise will help you engage your body in a fashion that will allow you to capitalize on your weight distribution and...

Use This BJJ Core Exercise To Stabilize Spine and Create Hip...

This exercise is one of the options from the side plank that will be covered in a series of articles on BJJ core training....

Use This Yoga Routine After Training For Better Recovery And Relaxation

Today we're examining some BJJ yoga stretches to cool down and relax after training. This series will target our hips and legs to help...