Georges St-Pierre Comes Back After Four Years To Choke Out Michael Bisping And Become Two-Division UFC Champ

Georges St-Pierre is now a two-division UFC Champion…and after a four-year layoff, too! He had blood in his eyes, but that didn’t stop him from choking out the champion (in the weight class above him, mind you) Michael Bisping in the second round.

The two greeted each other with a hard touch of the gloves and felt each other out. Leg kick by GSP and The Count attempted a high kick. Georges tagged him with a right, giving Bisping some red around his eye. GSP tried another punch but hit nothing and Bisping countered with an attempted 1-2. GSP seemed relaxed and put the champ on the run, which was unusual considering Bisping usually pushes the pace. Georges clipped him with a right but Bisping fired back with a right of his own. Spinning back kick by GSP but nothing. GSP went in for a shot and finished it, but Bisping got back up. St-Pierre continued to chase his opponent around the cage. Ladies and gentlemen, if GSP has been out of action for four years, it certainly wasn’t showing.

GSP started round 2 out with a page out of Stephen Thompson’s book, attempting a side kick. Leg kick by The Count and another side kick by Georges. Round house but Bisping caught it and landed a punch. The Count held the center in this round and clipped GSP with a big right. Bisping was just out of range with an uppercut and it seemed like Georges was running out of energy. However, the former champ hit a takedown, landing in Bisping’s half guard, but the champ got back up and followed it up with a huge right. The Count was gaining some swagger, going in with some punches. Big deep breath from GSP before one of his kicks was caught by Bisping. Bisping hit a jump kick and followed with a right hand and left high kick. He caught another of GSP’s kicks and hit him, but at some point, his cup broke.  UFC commentator Joe Rogan speculated that this could spell trouble for Bisping… and he was right, but not for the right reasons.

Another takedown by GSP in round 3 and he landed in Bisping’s guard. Georges tried to posture up and the champ went for an armbar. GSP was cut and bleeding all over his opponent. Bisping got a warning to let go of the gloves and GSP landed some short punches and elbows. GSP gets back up and he’s covered in blood. The champ lands a flush right punch. Superman punch by GSP despite the blood running into his eyes. Huge left and Bisping went down and GSP reigned down elbows! GSP took the back, sinking a deep rear naked choke! Bisping didn’t tap, but he went out, forcing Big John McCarthy to call and end to one of the most spectacular events the UFC has ever put on!

Ladies and gentlemen, what a comeback for a man who could rightly be considered the greatest mixed martial artists of all time — Georges “Rush” St-Pierre!


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