Lex Fridman Trains With Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, Weighs in on Potential Matchup

While the much-discussed but still entirely theoretical “cage fight” between Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk remains the talk of the town in combat sports circles, podcast host and jiu-jitsu black belt Lex Fridman has gotten a taste of both men’s skills.

This week on his popular YouTube channel, Fridman posted a 12-minute clip of himself rolling with Zuckerberg.

However, lest anyone suspect that Fridman is playing favorites, he also reportedly trained with Zuckerberg’s new nemesis Musk this week.

“I did an impromptu training session with [Elon Musk] for a few hours yesterday,” Fridman wrote in a Tweet on Tuesday. “I’m extremely impressed with his strength, power, and skill, on the feet and on the ground. It was epic. It’s really inspiring to see Elon and Mark doing martial arts, but I think the world is served far better if they train martial arts but not fight in the cage. That said, as Elon says, the most entertaining outcome is the most likely… I’m there for them, no matter what.”

Fridman included a few photos of himself rolling with Musk in the Tweet. At this time, however, he has not (yet) officially gone on the record answering the age old question of “Who you got?” in the hypothetical Zuckerberg vs. Musk war.


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