Phet Jee Jaa: Thailand’s 13 Year Old Female Muay Thai Prodigy Fought Boys

Phet Jee Jaa, a 13-year old female kickboxing prodigy, might be Thailand’s version of Ronda Rousey. After running through all of her female opponents, Jaa gained national attention in Thailand by competing against boys in muay thai competitions and running up an impressive win-loss record. She became so popular that her fights against boys were soon broadcasted on national television until there was a government ban preventing her from fighting other boys. This lead to a decrease in income for her family and Jaa’s only option was to fight older and heavier female opponents. Many in Thailand’s muay thai community believe she can become the all-time greatest female muay thai champion in the country history. She maintains a 3.75 GPA and dreams of one day competing in the Olympics as a boxer.

Check out this highlight package and mini-documentary on Phet Jee Jaa by Lawrence Kenshin.


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