Street Justice: Guy Got Taken Down And Back Taken After Disrespecting A Woman

never a dull moment. this fucking dude stood in the doorway to the shop “flirting” with me and doing some gross dick dance. when he tried to come inside I told him no. get the fuck out. he then became irate and started screaming- fuck you. you white slut. you white bitch. then I yelled for someone to get this mother fucker outta here- 7 dudes came over. he started talking shit to them all. and then ryan asked him if he just talked to a woman like that. he said- fuck her. and ryan slapped his face! it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. and of course this stupid junkie mother fucker just kept talking shit. he went across the street, took off his pajama top and came back to “fight”. haha. so….. #streetjustice happened. and ryan continued to slap him. which is #themostbeautifulthingever this is dedicated to every person that has wanted to slap an idiot’s face that has verbally assaulted them. ?? #jiujitsuruleseverythingaroundme #fuckjunkies

A video posted by ramona?valentine (@robotblood) on

never a dull moment. this fucking dude stood in the doorway to the shop “flirting” with me and doing some gross dick dance. when he tried to come inside I told him no. get the fuck out. he then became irate and started screaming- fuck you. you white slut. you white bitch. then I yelled for someone to get this mother fucker outta here- 7 dudes came over. he started talking shit to them all. and then ryan asked him if he just talked to a woman like that. he said- fuck her. and ryan slapped his face! it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. and of course this stupid junkie mother fucker just kept talking shit. he went across the street, took off his pajama top and came back to “fight”. haha. so….. #streetjustice happened. and ryan continued to slap him. which is #themostbeautifulthingever this is dedicated to every person that has wanted to slap an idiot’s face that has verbally assaulted them. ??


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