The History Of Kimonos Gi

Japanese natives created kimonos, and here is a history of Kimonos:

Kimonos is the word for traditional Japanese clothing, although previously, it was simply the Japanese word for clothing in general. The Kimonos that we’re familiar with today originated during the Heian period, which spanned from 794 – 1192.

710 – 794 was the Nara period. During this time, Japanese natives usually wore clothing that consisted of two pieces, both top and bottom. Some merely wore one-piece outfits. During the Heian era, Japanese clothing began to evolve. The clothing during this era was constructed using a special straight-line-cut method, which consisted of cutting pieces of fabric in straight lines and them sewing them together to create clothing. This method made creating clothing easier, as the clothing was basically one-size-fits-all. There was no measuring of any type necessary.

The Japanese people really liked the new style of kimonos because they were very convenient. One reason they were convenient is because of how easy they were to fold, without wrinkling. Kimonos were also comfortable regardless of the weather, as they were constructed of breathable material that allowed them to remain cool in hot weather. In cold weather, Japanese natives would wear layers of kimonos, which easily kept them warm.

Kimonos continued to evolve over time. Japanese people eventually thought of ways to may them more attractive and fashionable. They began to mix and match kimonos of different colors to appear more trendy. Some people wore kimonos that were in colors according to their political affiliation, or even according the the particular season.

The Kamakura period spanned from 1192 – 1338, and the Muromachi from 1338 – 1573. During these two eras, Japanese natives wore brightly colored kimonos regardless of their gender. Warriors wore specially colored kimonos to represent their roles as leaders.

The Edo period spanned from 1573 – 1868. During this time, Japanese natives were ruled by Tokugawa warriors, who wore different colored kimonos according to the village that the warriors ruled over. Samurais wore different colored kimonos and considered them to be their uniforms. These uniforms included 2 other garments in addition to a traditional kimono, including a hakama, a split skirt that resembled trousers, and a sleeveless vest-like garment called a kamishimo.

The Meiji period spanned from 1868 – 1912. The government required that Western style attire be worn to certain functions. In addition, kimonos were required for formal gatherings. However, that rule is no longer in effect, and today’s Japanese natives rarely wear kimonos or any other traditional Japanese clothing.


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