UFC 225 RESULTS: Colby Covington Destroys Rafael Dos Anjos To Become New Interim Welterweight Champion

You may hate his guts, but Colby Covington is the real deal.

“Chaos” took on former UFC Lightweight Champion Rafael dos Anjos, and he took him to school!

Colby Covington didn’t waste any time. He rushed into dos Anjos, throwing a punch, then wrestling him to the cage, not giving Rafael a chance to get away. Less than a minute into the fight, dos Anjos was already bleeding from his ear.

Covington pressed Rafael on the cage. The two broke away, though. Dos Anjos landed a good left hand, but Colby kept coming at him.

Colby again pressed him on the cage, but the two broke away. Covington threw a round kick, relentlessly keeping the pressure on the former Lightweight Champion. Dos Anjos, however, landed a knee to the body.

Rafael landed some knees as Covington tried to take him down, but Covington kept the pressure on. They broke away briefly, then went back to the cage, then broke away again.

Covington kept coming at dos Anjos, never giving him a chance to set anything up.

Round 2 started out the same way, with Colby rushing in and wrestling dos Anjos to the cage. Rafael tried to go for a guillotine, but Covington got out of it easily.

Dos Anjos got away, but again he found himself with his back against the cage.

The crowd chanted, “Colby sucks!” Clearly that was wishful thinking on their part.

Dos Anjos landed a huge uppercut to the body, but it did little to slow Covington.

Rafael landed a big left, forcing Colby to turn away, but still Covington kept coming at him, forcing dos Anjos’ back to the cage.

Again, they broke away, but Covington wrestled him to the ground and got on dos Anjos’ back. Rafael worked his way back up, but Colby seemed to have the first and second rounds in his favor.

Covington’s pressure continued in Round 3. Colby went for a single, but couldn’t get anything. The two swung at each other in the middle of the cage, but again the fight moved to the fence.

The two broke away, and Covington landed some middle and high kicks.

Back to the fence they went, and dos Anjos was clearly struggling to stay in it. Colby wrestled him to the ground, and Rafael struggled to work his way up.

A groin strike from Colby allowed dos Anjos a moment’s rest, but when the match started again, Colby started the pressure right back up, forcing Rafael to the fence.

The fight was all Colby Covington.

Rafael cracked Colby in the face, but the Chaos train refused to slow down. He stayed on dos Anjos every second of the round.

Colby Covington ran right up to dos Anjos in Round 4, but RDA cracked him in the face. Still, Covington kept coming at him.

Finally, the match seemed to turn in dos Anjos’ favor. He took Covington down easily. Colby got to his knees, and struggled back to his feet. Again, dos Anjos took him down, though. Rafael held him down, and finally Covington looked like he was running out of energy.

Colby got his way back up, but RDA took the back, wrestling him to the ground.

Covington finally got away.

Dos Anjos went for another takedown, but couldn’t keep Covington down.

The “Colby sucks” chants started up again before Covington came in swinging. Covington landed a nice uppercut and hit a takedown late in the fourth, perhaps killing whatever hope dos Anjos had of winning the fight via decision. RDA lay in half guard as the round drew to a close.

Round 5 was do or die for RDA. Colby took the Brazilian’s back right away.

Dos Anjos went for a flying knee, but no dice. Covington got the takedown and again took the back.

The fight went back to standing again went to the fence. Dos Anjos went for a standing Kimura, but Colby took the back for a third time.

Covington then went to smothering his opponent before breaking away and landing a left with only a little more than two minutes to go.

The two separated, and Anjos went for a single, but couldn’t get anything. RDA clipped Colby, but Covington just wouldn’t stop. With a little over a minute left, dos Anjos found his back to the cage yet again.

RDA went down and tried for a Kimura, but couldn’t get anything.

The two broke away and threw a flurry at each other. The last round drew to a close with Covington landed a left.

The constant forward pressure was enough to impress the judges, and Colby Covington is the new interim UFC Welterweight Champion.

Tyron Woodley better be on guard.




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