Bloody Elbow Slams Royce Gracie Over Comments About Women’s MMA

Royce Gracie is one of the legends of modern combat sports. His matches back in the earliest days of the UFC not only helped catapult mixed martial arts towards the fame that it has today, but helped turn Brazilian jiu-jitsu into one of the most popular new arts in the world.

Royce’s views on women, however…well, let’s just say they’re not so popular, especially with some of the folks over at the online MMA magazine, Bloody Elbow.

When asked if he was a fan of women fighting in the UFC, Royce Gracie simply responded:

Nope, I’m not a big fan of it. I like the woman feminine. I don’t like to go home and get beat up. But hey, it’s a free country. They can do whatever they want. 

They audience may have laughed at Royce’s comments, but one person who wasn’t laughing was Bloody Elbow’s Beau Dure.

“What’s shocking about Gracie’s comments aren’t how offensive they are. It’s the ignorance,” Dure says in his article. “It’s as if this pioneer of mixed martial arts has been cryogenically preserved in a gym in Brazil, emerging only to beat Ken Shamrock with a groin shot and do an interview on a set that seems borrowed from a public-access show. The basement in Wayne’s World is the Ed Sullivan Theater compared to this.”

Beau then goes on to dissect each one of Gracie’s comments, accusing him of not only stereotyping women, but MMA fighters.

Dure ends his article with a little bit of advice to the mixed martial arts legend and sixth-degree black belt:

… the next time Gracie is asked about women’s MMA, he should simply go against family tradition and tap out.

If he wants to keep his reputation intact, Royce Gracie might want to heed those words.


  1. “Nope, I’m not a big fan of it. I like the woman feminine. I don’t like to go home and get beat up. But hey, it’s a free country. They can do whatever they want.”

    Having this opinion is offensive and ignorant? Pray tell which part? The part where he states his personal preference or the part where he says its a free country and people can do whatever they want?

    Replace MMA with competitive eating and is it still offensive and ignorant? Everyone looks for certain traits in a partner is that offensive and ignorant? Next time someone turns you down for a date ask them why then tell them they are offensive and ignorant?

  2. They asked his opinion, he gave it! Too bad it does not agree with other people’s opinions, but that is it, an opinion! People are still free to have those aren’t they? I might disagree with him or not but WTH, this is ridiculous!

  3. I truly believe that the Gracie family formed the sport to be a great for spectators… (before weight classes)…sooooo with the Gracie family no UFC…. in turn no women’s mma in UFC

  4. Chris Zahar, you said, “If he wants to keep his reputation intact, Royce Gracie might want to heed those words.”

    Are you serious? Heed the words for what? He gave his opinion on what he wants in a woman. He was asked his opinion. The opinion is not only not offensive, but he said that people can do what they want. I seriously doubt this opinion of his will do anything to damage his rep. In fact, it is people like you who are damaging their rep. No one cares what millennial snowflakes think about issues. Everything is so offensive to people like you and the bloody elbow writer. You really should take a step back and look at how ridiculous you sound


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