Brian Ortega Taps Cub Swanson With Second Round Guillotine Choke

Brian Ortega is a force to be reckoned with!

The 26-year-old Rener Gracie black belt remains undefeated (12-0) and just scored his second submission victory, this time over one of the UFC’s big name featherweights, Cub Swanson.

Ortega took on Swanson in the main event of UFC Fight Night 123 in Fresno, California.

The two started out with a touch of the gloves and Cub took the center, feeling his opponent out. Ortega did the same. The two threw some leg kicks and then felt each other out more. But then the two exploded in a short flurry of punches. High kick by Cub, but no damage, but then Swanson charged in with some punches and Ortega returned with a swing and a miss. Swanson peppered away at the leg and followed up with some big. Ortega returned with a body kick, though. Cub went hunting for the body, landing a body shot, then Ortega chased him with a double jab. High kick by Cub and a punch to the head. Ortega pulled Cub down to the ground with an anaconda choke but Swanson is able to survive the round.

Swanson wouldn’t be so lucky in the second round. They started out with another touch of the gloves and a light leg kick by Swanson. Ortega charged in with punches but didn’t land anything. Big right by Cub to the face, then a head kick by Ortega, which was blocked by Swanson. Cub was swinging for the fences, landing a huge body shot and upper cut. He wanted to end this fight. Sadly for him, that wasn’t what the fates had in mind.

Swanson bled from the nose as Ortega pressed him up against the fence. Swanson tried to turn out by Ortega got him in a guillotine. Swanson stayed on his feet, but Brian’s arm was still wrapped around his neck, and Cub had no choice but to tap.

Winner, by second round guillotine choke: Brian Ortega!


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