Weight Cutting: Here’s Why To Avoid It In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Weight cutting sucks! There. I said it. You can't enjoy any of your favorite foods, you're miserable because your starving, and you barely have the...

Feel Like Your Jiu-Jitsu Is All Over The Place? Here’s How...

A lot of experienced jiu-jitsu practitioners have their own "game," whether that means working from guard, being a leg locker, or basing your strategy...

“Am I Getting Any Better?”

This last week at the BJJ class, a few experienced blue belts brought up the topic of improvement. More specifically, how can you tell...

Chael Sonnen Shares His Philosophy On An Attack-Focused Guard Passing Strategy

If you're stuck in someone's guard, you need to pass it in order to do, well, just about anything. A lot of people underestimate...

Rhalan Gracie: When Teaching Beginners, Stick With The Fundamentals

Budo Jake, a BJJ black belt under Carlos Gracie Jr., is also the owner of Budo Videos and produces the awesome "Rolled Up" series,...

Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Buying Your First Gi

Starting jiu-jitsu is an exciting, but potentially overwhelming experience. Not only are you being thrown into a world with strange techniques and lingo and...

What To Do When Searching For A Different Jiu-Jitsu Gym

I recently received a reader question:“I remember seeing you say in your posts a few times that you had to switch gyms at...

5 Benefits Upper Belts Can Gain From Rolling With New White...

We have all been the brand new white belt that nobody wants to roll with during our first few open mats. Yet, when we...

What Should I Be Working On? A BJJ Black Belt Answers...

Brazilian jiu-jitsu has a lot of information to take in. There's a reason why it takes most people at least eight years to become...

How Getting Promoted In Jiu-Jitsu Can Help Build A Child’s Character

Getting your child involved in virtually any sport can have an amazing impact on their physical and mental health while developing important life skills...