Your Students Should Feel Comfortable Asking Why They Didn’t Get Promoted

For being an integral part of the jiu-jitsu experience, promotions are often treated as taboo topics of discussion when the student is the one...

Being Educated In Violence Is A Privilege, Not A Right

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of a black belt.  A lot of people in martial arts seem to think these are the unalienable rights that...

Is Your Body Type Stopping Jiu-Jitsu From Working For You?

You're not the first person who's watched someone teach a technique and thought, "That would never work for someone who's built like me." But...

ONE FC Starts Beef With Fighter After Saying It Won’t Beef...

One FC, the Asian fight promotion now home to American grappling superstars like Garry Tonon and Demetrious Johnson, is not super into freedom of...

Does Sport Jiu-Jitsu Help Or Hurt Self-Defense?

The question of whether or not training jiu-jitsu for sport has a real impact on your ability to defend yourself has been debated for...

Coaches, Give Your Lower Belts The Support They Need When They...

I don't remember my first tournament. I mean, I remember being there. I remember being scared out of my wits, having about six months' worth...

What Are Some Of The Bright Sides Of This Time Away...

We know, we know --- missing out on jiu-jitsu sucks right now, and there's no telling how long it will be until we're able...

Bruno Bastos Talks About His Pick For BJJ’s GOAT

Bruno Bastos has been an active competitor at a high level since the '90s. During that span, he has not only witnessed some of...

Should Coaches Promote Students Based On Attendance?

Almost every academy or affiliation has different requirements they use to determine when a student is ready to be promoted to the next stripe...

In Defense Of Participation Awards In BJJ

Participation awards have a bad rap in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, as they do in our culture in general. Critics claim that they discourage competitors from...