You Need To Be A Self Learner

After rolling, many ideas and stories about BJJ are exchanged between instructor and training partners. This is one of the best parts of our...

Should An “Upper Belt” Always Be Able To Tap A “Lower...

The topic of BJJ came up in a social situation and a friend who was not training BJJ asked a not uncommon question: "Shouldn't...

Is Your Body Type Stopping Jiu-Jitsu From Working For You?

You're not the first person who's watched someone teach a technique and thought, "That would never work for someone who's built like me." But...

Why Every Jiu-Jitsu Athlete Should Be Studying 10th Planet Technique

Whether it be through competition or cross-training, inevitably every jiu-jitsu practitioner is forced to adapt their skill set to opponents of different styles. Regardless...

My Purple Belt Is My “I Didn’t Quit” Belt

I loved being a blue belt for about a day. Then I hated it. I stayed a blue belt for two years. Even now, when...

Vagner Rocha Wants Jiu-Jitsu To Quit Being Soft Before It Ruins...

Vagner Rocha has long been a controversial figure concerning his hard-nose style of jiu-jitsu. There are many competitors and fans that would even say...

How To Tell If That Video Is A Bullsh*t Technique

Every second week or so, a BJJ student will come to to the gym all excited holding their phone. "Did you see this?!?!" they will...

Quit Using “Women’s Self Defense” As A BS Marketing Tactic

A lot of gym owners and instructors advertising their female-centric seminars and women's BJJ programs as "women's self-defense" really need to stop doing that. It's...

Does Sport Jiu-Jitsu Help Or Hurt Self-Defense?

The question of whether or not training jiu-jitsu for sport has a real impact on your ability to defend yourself has been debated for...

Should Raquel Pennington’s Corner Have Thrown In The Towel? I’m Not...

Raquel Pennington had a disfigured nose and repeated over and over again that she was "done." Her corner's response: "Let's power through this. Let's believe....