A Reader Question: “Feeling Unwelcome At New Academy”

Question: Hi! I have a question for you and for everyone in the BJJ community. Not too long ago, I left my first BJJ gym...

Reader Question: “How To Train BJJ When You Have A Job...

"Would you consider writing an article / post about how to train BJJ when you have a job that is labor intensive throughout the...

Reader Question: I Don’t Remember Anything While Rolling

Reader Question: Should I be remembering more techniques when rolling? I'm a white belt in my 2nd year and go in about 3x a...

When Jiu Jitsu and Adulting Collide

Anyone who starts jiu-jitsu in adulthood and has responsibilities in their life off of the mat knows that jiu-jitsu and adulting don’t mix very...

JJT Reader Question: How Much Can Sport Jiu-Jitsu REALLY Help In...

A Jiu-Jitsu Times reader writes in: "Hello. I was wondering if you have ever written any articles. On the difference between Jujitsu and practical...

If The Knee Bar Is Illegal In A Tournament, Why Should...

This week at BJJ class we are working on the knee bar. One white belt student with over a year's worth of experience asked a...

Where To Start… How Does One Begin Learning Jiu-Jitsu?

If you’ve read my articles and casually view Reddit’s R/BJJ section you know I’m on there, often trolling, but every now and again drawing...

Reader Question: “I feel like I don’t deserve my new belt;...

From time to time we get reader questions here at Jiu Jitsu Times.  As much as possible I like to address these questions from...

A Reader Question: “Instructor holding me back from randori because I’m...

"Thanks for posting that article for me. Any articles on an instructor holding someone back from randori because they aren't 3 stripes yet? I...

Now That I’m A Blue Belt, Should I Train Any Different...

Reader Question: Now that I've got my blue belt, should I train any different techniques? Jiu-Jitsu Times: A new blue belt was asking more specifically about...