Man Challenges First Responder, Becomes Lucky Recipient Of Well-Executed Takedown

First responders are trained to deal with chaos when they arrive on a scene, but not all of them have the wrestling skills needed...

Bully Jumps On Blind Kid And Got Knocked Out By An...

This is an example of stop the bullies

BJJ Professor Holds Criminal In Kimura Until The Police Arrive

A Brazilian jiu-jitsu professor held a criminal in a Kimura until the police arrived.

Security Guard Takes Down Attacker And Holds Him Down With Knee...


Shopkeeper Uses Judo to Get Revenge on Drunk Guys Who Kicked...

0 Shopkeeper uses brilliant judo moves as revenge on drunk vandals who kicked the door of his store. the incident allegedly occurred in the town...

2 Jiu-Jitsu Black Belts Taking The Fight Outside The Competition And...

A video is making the rounds online where 2 Jiu-Jitsu black belts fight in the street outside of BJJ Tournament. The fight broke out...

Guy Uses Inverted Guard For Self-Defense In Street Fight With A...

A guy used inverted guard in order to defend himself against a woman who was at least double his size. We're not sure what started...

Man Tries To Rob Woman In Front Of Her Son’s BJJ...

We've said it many times, and we'll say it again: don't try to rob or attack anyone, ever, but especially not in front of...

Man Uses Jiu-Jitsu To Beat Two Opponents In “Street Fight”

Jiu-jitsu is often touted as a great tool for self-defense, and in this case, its usefulness in street fights was caught on film. In this...