How To Use Awareness To Channel Performance Anxiety In Jiu-Jitsu

As athletes and people, we face anxiety every day. At its core, it is the same thing regardless of circumstance: fear permeating the body...

Even More Breathing Tips & Exercises For BJJ

In my last post about breathing for BJJ, I covered some of the basics from the "Oxygen Advantage" by Patrick McKeown. Today we...

No Workout Equipment? No Problem. Use Your Gi To Help With...

If you're one of the people who didn't have any kettlebells or weights at home before the coronavirus outbreak began, you may have found...

Activate Your Shoulders And Hit Chokes From Every Angle With This...

When doing this shoulder warm-up protocol, focus on lower belly breathing. Since we're focusing on the chest and shoulders, it's easy to fall into...

How To Keep Your Body Loose & Ready To Train When...

While traveling, your body will have a propensity to tighten up. Being stuck in more seated conditions and being pushed a bit outside your normal...

Balance The Glass for Hip Stability

The bird dog exercise has been instrumental in my recovery and daily training since my low back flared up in July. As a BJJ...

Engage Your Hips For Better Mobility In BJJ

There are some hip mobility exercises you can do standing. These will obviously target our hip, but the balance challenges it places on the...

Using Meditation to Become A Mindful Athlete

In an age of hyperactivity and the next distraction looming with the next scroll down the phone, focus is an underdeveloped skill. One can't...

How to Program Your Training For Better Results On &a Off...

When training, you must have a game plan for not only the specific session, but for a prolonged period of time. From my background...

Try These Post-Training Exercises for Relaxation and Recovery

Today I'm sharing a sequence of exercises and movements I love using after training. As I've written about before, down-regulation and relaxation is an...