Demi Lovato Training Jiu-Jitsu

Singer Demi Lovato decided to go hard and start her intense regimen of fast-paced and hard-hitting jiu-jitsu. Jiu-jitsu is an intricate, complex sport that a woman can use for combat, self-defense, or fun.

Watching Demi Lovato training jiu-jitsu is an enjoyable activity. She is a strong woman who carries out every swing and kick with the utmost amount of power. Demi is training with a few MMA experts like Cung Le and Jay Glazer. She is also seen with Orlando Sanchez.

She surrounds herself with strong men who will help her to develop her strength.

Also Seen training MMA


  1. “Watching Demi Lovato training jiu-jitsu is an enjoyable activity. She is a strong woman who carries out every swing and kick with the utmost amount of power.”

    What form of BJJ uses swings and kicks? Bullshitsu?


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