Fist Fight Almost Breaks Out At High Rollerz BJJ Tournament

Cannabis is known for it’s calming effects, but apparently all the weed at the High Rollerz BJJ tournament didn’t do anything to calm these two hot heads.

Two grapplers almost got into a fist fight during one of the rolls. The grappler in the white gi reached for the head of the one in the black gi. The one in the black gi didn’t like it and swatted at him. The two then began swatting at each other; however, the coaches got involved before the match became an all-out brawl.

The High Rollerz BJJ tournament went down on Sunday, June 10. It was billed as “Cannabis-Infused Jiu Jitsu.”

You can check out the video of the fist fight below:

When an actual fight breaks out during a jiujitsu match @biglonn412 saves the day with a doobie lol @highrollerzbjj @mightymatt @breezebjj412 #420 #weed #jiujitsu #bjj #gjj #highrollerz High Rollerz BJJ

Posted by Nickmcd209 on Tuesday, June 12, 2018


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