Grapplers Guide To Donate 40% Of Profits To BJJ Academy Owners In Need

Jason Scully’s Grapplers Guide has long been known as a prime resource for jiu-jitsu instruction. Now, in the time digital grappling instructionals may be in the highest demand we’ve seen, the company is giving back to the brick-and-mortar jiu-jitsu community by helping BJJ academies who are financially hurting as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

In a Reddit post, Scully has stated that from March 23 to April 23, 40 percent of all of Grapplers Guide’s profits will go toward BJJ gym owners who are in need of financial resources during a time when most gyms are or will eventually be closed.

Scully has also taken the huge step of donating $10,000 to get the fund started, and he hopes the effort will raise between $100,000 and $200,000 for gym owners in need.

Scully is offering a couple of different options for the distribution of the funds. One involves an all-encompassing “pot” that all of the funds will go into and then be distributed to the recipients, with each recipient receiving a maximum of $4,000. However, academies wouldn’t be guaranteed to receive any funds; gyms would be selected to receive the money on a case-by-case basis based on need.

The second option would allow owners to make their academies selectable from a drop-down list at checkout. Customers (such as the academy’s own students) could then select the academy so that 40% of their purchase would go towards the academy. This option doesn’t have a maximum receiving limit and only requires a simple application.

You can read the full details about the fundraiser and sign your academy up for the program here.


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