Groove & Improve Hip Mobility For BJJ With This 90/90 Movement

Keeping with our hip mobility theme from the past few articles, this time we are focusing on GROOVING our hips from the 90/90 position.

The first time we passively held the stretch. Then in the last one, we used isometric contractions at the end range to increase the active control of that range of motion. Now we are “grooving” the position to consolidate and communicate these range of motion increases to the nervous system. We’re also communicating the sense of active control to the nervous system as a way for it to remember the position and utilize it.

Below I’ll cover a light synopsis of the prep work for hip mobility work and the basic 90/90 position. You’ll perform the irradiation technique listed below and then perform the mobility exercise I prescribe. Here is the link to the first article if you want more in depth details!


  • Feet firmly planted
  • Big toes especially pushing down
  • Feel all four corners of your feet
  • Arms at sides with 30 degrees abduction with either a fist or completely open palm as wide as you can make it
  • Screw feet into the ground
  • Squeeze butt and tighten abdomen in towards spine on your exhale
  • Seek to tighten hands as much as possible with each out breath
  • Do 5 breaths with 5 second pauses at bottom of exhale
  • Ramp up intensity with each breath all the way to 100 %
  • Completely relax to shake out tension
  • Do at least one more set before beginning mobility work

Basic 90/90 Setup

  • First off we must literally keep a 90 degree angle between the calf and hamstring of both legs
  • Next, our back shin must be parallel to our front thigh and out back thigh parallel to our front shin
  • This is the classic “90 90”
  • Before doing any end range isometrics or movements we recline back to allow a passive stretch to open and begin communicating to the tissue

90/90 Grooves Protocol

  • Now we seek to press through the ground with the pinky toe side of our foot
  • Eventually we plant the whole foot and bring our knee towards the sky
  • Lightly engage your butt and seek to keep the other knee glued to the ground while performing the movement

Final Considerations On 90/90 Grooves

I especially love these after training. A good active way to groove the hip, while opening it up.

You can, of course, perform it before training. That’s not an issue. I just find after I’ve really been warm and moving it’s a good “cool down” and opener for the hip. Before training, I’m normally not warm enough to get the most benefit from this. In those situations, I would prefer the end range isometric work because it helps create the neural drive for my training.

I cover more performance training tidbits with my ebook “The Foundations of Movement Autonomy, Vitality, and Performance” that will help you prepare, recover, and perform better on the mats!

I’m releasing my first video product and 12 week training program “Secrets to Soft, Stable, Strong, and Supple Low Back/Hips”.

You can find the preorder HERE. It’ll be live for another week before the sale ends.


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