Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt Arrested For Dog Fighting

Back in December, a small town black belt and former MMA fighter made some offhanded remarks on video about Chris Weidman that drew the ire of the jiu jitsu community. (you can read Swift’s response here)

A recent press release about Dan Swift, the 41-year-old Erie Pennsylvania-based BJJ black belt, has possibly shown us that being a jiu-jitsu black belt does not exempt someone from being a terrible person.

Swift has been arrested and charged with several counts of animal cruelty and dog fighting, which in the eyes of many (myself included) is one of the lowest crimes a person can commit.  It is a tough situation for Swift’s friends and instructors, one that I do not envy.

According to the press release, police found a substantial amount of physical evidence at Swift’s residence, and the living conditions of the animals found on the property were abhorrent.

The case has, of course, not gone to court yet, and given the fact that I personally know Swift, I really do hope that this turns out to be some sort of misunderstanding or mistake.

But the evidence cited in the article is damning.

There’s not much more to say about this.  It is unfortunate that elements like this exist in our community, and as a community it is our responsibility to shed light on these elements so they don’t hurt our credibility.  Brazilian jiu-jitsu is still a young martial art, and we need to weed out negative elements.

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Emil Fischer is an active black belt competitor under Pablo Angel Castro III training at Strong Style Mixed Martial Arts and Training Center near Cleveland Ohio (www.strongstyle.com) and teaching at Ararat Martial Arts and FItness Center. For more information, other articles, and competition videos check out his athlete pages at www.facebook.com/emilfischerbjj www.twitter.com/Emil_Fischer and https://instagram.com/emilfischerbjj/. Emil is sponsored by Meerkatsu (www.Meerkatsu.com, discount code EmilKatsu), Eddy's On Coventry, North Coast Cryo (www.Northcoast-Cryo.com) NottaRookie, YM (www.cbdyoume.com discount code COOKIES), Defense Soap (www.defensesoap.com discount code COOKIES) Impact Mouthguards (www.impactmouthguards.com discount code EMILIMPACT), and North South Jiu Jitsu Underwear


  1. If you really believe what you say “dog fighting, which in the eyes of many (myself included) is one of the lowest crimes a person can commit.” by lowest, I hope you mean lowest on the list that starts with the worst and ends with the least gave a fuck about.

  2. What makes dog fighting even more deplorable is that the dogs (pit bulls) do not actually enjoy fighting, they are put between their masters and the other dog and believe their master is in danger. They are so loyal they will fight to the death to protect their “human”.

    Glad you put this out there, Emil.

    Jeff Cain, you seem like a nice person.


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