Jiu-Jitsu Brown Belt Got Demoted To Purple Belt

There can be many reasons for a BJJ instructor to demote their students. While it is a rare and unfortunate event, it is one that ultimately does happen if the student has violated the tenants of the teacher’s instructions in some type of way. It is important for all individuals to learn about their teachers’ desires in order to make the most of their training and to be able to honor their dojo as best as they can. Demotions do not need to be a regular event, especially in the right circumstances.

“I know Junior long ago, was a hard working blue belt . When he got the purple belt , he disappeared and went through some gyms where guys charge for diploma . Not that he is not good, he is good, but to have a brown belt takes a little longer. We talked , and he accepted it. He’s a tough purple belt . That is our example. Guys, do not do this , do not jump academies, it’s ugly , ” Said one of the Professor 


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