Joe Lauzon’s Analysis of Palhares Holding Submissions Too Long

UFC veteran lightweight Joe Lauzon, who holds a computer science degree in addition to his record 13 post fight bonuses decided to analyze whether or not WSOF Welterweight Champion Rousimar Palhares really does hold on to his submissions well after his opponents have tapped. Palhares lived up to his reputation of being a dirty fighter this past weekend during his title defense against Jake Shields by gouging the eyes of his opponent and holding onto the kimura lock after challenger Shields had already tapped.

Lauzon broke down 6 of his own UFC submission victories and compared it to 6 of Palhares’s submission victories from both the UFC and WSOF to measure the difference in time it took for each fighter to release their submission holds after their opponents tapped. It was a tedious task as Lauzon broke down each second of the submissions into 30 frames to get accurate submission release times.

Here is how the data broke down

Joe Lauzon samples

Rear Naked Choke against Melvin Guillard, .184 seconds release time

Triangle Choke against Brandon Melendez, 0 seconds release time

Arm Bar against Gabe Ruediger, .229 seconds release time

Arm Bar against Jeremy Stephens, .503 seconds release time

TriangleChoke against Jamie Varner .229 seconds release time

Triangle Kimura against Curt Warburton, .048 seconds release time

Rousimar Palhares samples

Heel Hook against Steve Carl, .728 seconds release time

Heel Hook against Tomasz Drawl, .728 seconds release time

Knee Bar against Jon Fitch, .907 seconds release time

Heel Hook against Mike Massenzio, 1.408 seconds release time

Heel Hook against Mike Pierce, 1.544 seconds release time

Kimura against Jake Shields, 1.134 seconds release time.

Overall, the average release after tap time for Lauzon over 6 fights was .199 seconds while Palhares’s average time over 6 fights was 1.074. Palahares held his submissions pn average 5 times longer than Lauzon did.

While 1.074 seconds seems like a very small amount of time, many experienced grapplers will tell you that extra second can cause major damages to muscles, tendons, and bones when it is applied by a world class submission grappler like Palhares.

Lauzon’s conclusion on Palhares was “he’s kind of a dick.”

Great job by Joe Lauzon!

A second may not seem very long… but its an eternity in cases like these.

Posted by Joe Lauzon on Monday, August 3, 2015


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