Did You Know Jason Momoa “Khal Drogo” Trains Jiu-Jitsu?

With his impressive physique and intimidating glare, Jason Momoa was the perfect Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones. His character may have left the series but fans won’t miss him as he is soon going to hit the big screens in the title role of Aquaman. How does he prepare for his demanding stunts?

Lifting weights for strength is a given but what most people do not know is that Jason Momoa trains jiu-jitsu. This should be no surprise since the actor who plays Superman, Henry Cavill, trains BJJ as well under the Gracies. In a recent Instagram post, Momoa showed a picture of him in a gi with a white belt, along with other friends who are fellow novices in the sport.

The photo was taken in one of Rigan Machado’s schools. The spirited group looks pleased with their session and Momoa was particularly enthusiastic about his new pursuit.


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