Mark Hunt Wants Anti-Doping Clause In Upcoming Alistair Overeem Bout

UFC heavyweight Mark “Super Samoan” Hunt is no fan of cheaters. The 264-pound New Zealander has repeatedly given the UFC trouble for not taking a strong enough stance against doping.

And why shouldn’t he? Three of Hunt’s opponents in the last three years have failed their drug tests.

The first was Antonio Silva back in 2013. Silva and Hunt battled it out in one of the greatest heavyweight fights of all time, which ended in a majority draw.

The next was Frank Mir, whom Hunt defeated via knockout at UFC Fight Night: Mir Vs Hunt.

Finally, was the not-so-triumphant return of Brock Lesnar at UFC 200. Lesnar originally defeated Hunt via unanimous decision. However, the win was later overturned to a no contest after Lesnar failed his drug test.

Hunt was not satisfied to say the least. He called the UFC as a “shit company” and demanded fighters lose their earnings if they are caught doping.

He also posted this hilarious video on his Facebook wall.

u didnt know bout the tombstone bwhahaha

Posted by Mark "Super Samoan" Hunt on Friday, December 16, 2016

Mark Hunt is now scheduled to face former DREAM and Strikeforce Heavyweight Champion Alistair Overeem at UFC 209.

But he is determined to make sure history does not repeat itself – or, if it does, the perpetrator will pay dearly. According to Mark, the Super Samoan said he wants a clause added to his contract that will “take the financial gain of the opponent of caught cheating…”

To wit:

My clause will protect me in this instance and take the financial gain of the opponent of [sic] caught cheating. That deterrent will protect me and other fighters. I’m pushing for this clause, I want to fight and I am ready. If the fight doesn’t go ahead it’s not my doing.

Hunt is not backing down from his demands either.

I will not fight without this clause.  I’ve already fought 3 dopers in a row and I’m not going to fight again without security. All I want is a fair go and an even playing field.

What do you think of Mark Hunt’s demands? Are they reasonable? Should all fight contracts have them?

Sound off below or in the post’s Facebook thread.




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