MMA Media Launches Instructional Program Featuring Australian Coaches

Image Source: MMA Media

If you’ve ever wanted to support Australian-based jiu-jitsu coaches or just think that jiu-jitsu techniques are more interesting when explained with a cool accent, we have good news: MMA Media is now branching out to produce and sell digital jiu-jitsu instructionals, and they’ll all feature Aussie BJJ coaches.

MMA Media, which was founded in 2018 by Chris Triantopoulos and partner Felisha Mina, has primarily focused on documentary-style BJJ films in the past. But now, the company is aiming to help Australia-based instructors by giving them a platform to share their knowledge with high-quality videos. The program is in its infancy, and so far, they’ve released one instructional from Robbie Singh, which can be downloaded for $49 USD. However, Triantopoulous told the Jiu-Jitsu Times that two additional instructionals have already been filmed and are in the editing process, and he’s in talks with other high-level Aussie athletes for future instructionals.

Triantopoulos also said that he hopes the new endeavor helps support BJJ coaches throughout Australia. There is no charge to the athletes that are filmed, and profits are instead divided between the instructor and MMA Media once the download is available online. He says he does his own outreach to find coaches, but that coaches can also reach out to him via either social media DM or by email at

MMA Media has created a discount code specifically for Jiu-Jitsu Times readers. Use code “JJT10” to get 10% off an instructional now or in the future.


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