Podcast: Eddie Cummings Discusses Blowing Up in 2015 and His Plans for 2016

Around this time last year, Eddie Cummings defeated EBI 2 Champion and ADCC standout Denny Propokos in a super fight at Gracie Nationals. His victory over the well-known and respected Propokos served as a launching pad for a 30-year old grappler, who once aspired to teach and do research at a university level. In his first year as a professional grappler, Cummings won fans with his exciting leg lock game while winning EBI 4, defeating Reilly Bodycomb at Polaris, and competing at ADCC Worlds in Sao Paolo, Brazil.

Eddie was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule to come on our podcast to discuss various topics including..

  • Rehabbing his knee and his competition schedule for 2016
  • Turning pro and blowing up in 2015
  • What he learned from his first experience at ADCC
  • Training leg locks
  • Life before BJJ as a test prep coach, graduate student, and professional poker player.

You can listen to the podcast on the SoundCloud widget below or on iTunes.

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