Roger Gracie Meets President of Armenia, Speaks At Summit of Minds

Roger Gracie had the opportunity to visit Armenia, meet their President, and participate in a conversation at The Summit of Minds conference.

Gracie spoke in a segment titled “Future Talks” with The Monthly Barometer’s Founder & Managing Partner, Thierry Malleret. Gracie reflected on his trip in a post to instagram, 

“Had a great pleasure in being invited to speak at the Summit of Minds in Armenia. A big thanks for the Armenian president for the great reception, his son and a great friend of mine, Vartan Sarkissian. Had an amazing time. Met great people. Will certainly be back. Thank you Armenia”

Photo: @rogergracie Instagram
Photo: @rogergracie Instagram

The conference had a focus of “Global Transformations In A New Quantum World” and was held on the 23rd and 24th of October 2021. The event’s flyer states, “A quantum world creates new dynamics within industries. As everything becomes more interrelated, what can we learn from cross-pollinating professions or simply by applying the practices that are effective in some to others?”

Photo: @rogergracie Instagram

According to, “The Summits of Minds combines high-level, cutting edge content with inspiring contributors sourced from public life, politics, business, academia, and civil society. These gatherings, held over a number of days, in outstanding locations, afford participants direct access to diverse individuals and ideas, based on the ‘strength of weak ties’ and serendipitous encounters in an atmosphere of mutual trust, partnership, and open conversation. Prominent thinkers and practitioners feed into a carefully crafted programme and frame the conversation, but everybody is a speaker. These top-level gatherings offer a unique blend of hard thinking and learning with mindfulness and discovery. “

Photo: @rogergracie Instagram

Other participants in the Summit were names such as Armenian President Armen Sarkissian, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, President of the Central Bank of Armenia Martin Galstyan, former Prime Minister of Italy/former President of the European Commission Romano Prodi, former President of Argentina Mauricio Macri, former President of Switzerland Micheline Calmy-Rey, FIDE President Arkady Dvorkovich, Russian State Duma lawmaker Konstantin Zatulin, Director of Investment and Enterprise at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development James X. Zhan, Yandex deputy director Tigran Khudaverdyan, and more.

At the time of this writing, there is no video or transcript of Gracie’s discussion that has been made publicly available. 115826581


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