Ronda Rousey Beat LeBron James As The Most Dominant Athlete Alive

People who are not familiar with the Ultimate Fighting Championship may be surprised to see Ronda Rousey named most dominant athlete alive. Nonetheless, a Business Insider ranking has placed her ahead of well-known individuals like Kevin Durant and LeBron James. Rousey’s undefeated status and rapid victories helped convince the publication to recognize her unparalleled level of dominance.

She is currently the UFC’s female champion in the bantamweight division. As of May 2015, all of her fights have lasted a total of less than seven minutes. The last three were only one minute and 36 seconds long. One 2014 victory took only 16 seconds. A referee had to end the match after she knocked an opponent to the floor.

In addition to being the most dominant athlete in general, it seems quite possible that Ronda Rousey has achieved greater dominance than any UFC fighter in history. There has only been one fight that took her more than one round to win. An opponent managed to strike her 28 times in this match, but she inflicted 134 blows by the end.

Rousey’s prestige will be boosted by the fact that she appeared alongside many distinguished athletes on Business Insider’s list. This ranking featured several prominent baseball, football, soccer and basketball players. The NBA’s Lebron James was ranked as the second-most dominant athlete in any sport. Other top contenders included Cristiano Ronaldo, J.J. Watt, Maya Moore and Lionel Messi.

With Ronda Rousey named most dominant athlete alive, the UFC may also gain greater publicity and additional fans. The organization began holding mixed martial arts competitions about 22 years ago. It combines such sports as jiu-jitsu, sumo wrestling, kickboxing and karate. Events appear on Fox television, pay-per-view channels and various foreign TV networks. The sport’s popularity has spawned associated video games, magazines and trading cards as well.


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