Russian Jiu-Jitsu Student Earns Black Belt In Remote Promotion

Any BJJ belt promotion is a big deal, but obviously, the black belt is the most coveted rank in our martial art. As such, black belt promotion ceremonies are a big deal, with professors often coming in from out of town to level their students up. But in a world where coronavirus restrictions exist, professors have recently had to cancel or modify students’ promotions.

In one former-brown-belt’s case, it was time to get promoted. But with him being in Russia and Roy Dean (who had the authority to give him his black belt) being located in Wyoming, everyone involved had to get creative. So instead of an in-person promotion, Igor Lunyakov put his technique to the test against a variety of opponents, and the test was streamed live to Dean from across the world.

Alexey Belyaev, who shared the video, explained the context of the remote promotion:

“…The exam was held remotely via online communication. The Professor saw a broadcast of a demonstration of techniques and wrestling (three purple belts, one brown and one black). I think this is the first time. The very fact angered some adherents of “traditional values.” There were comments that it is ZJJ (ZOOM JIU-JITSU). It was said that HELIO would never approve of such a thing. Do you think this is a NEW PHENOMENON in BJJ promotions?”

Check out the video below and decide for yourself what you think of this approach:


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