Survey Asks BJJ Community To Share Their Experiences With Sexual Assault & Misconduct In Jiu-Jitsu

A new survey has been released asking BJJ practitioners to share their experiences with sexual assault and harassment within the jiu-jitsu community. The survey, created and shared by an individual who wishes only to be known by the pseudonym “Valkyrie BJJ” (and has no affiliation to the Wisconsin-based gym of the same name) is requesting that as many adults as possible in the BJJ community complete the survey to share their experiences, if any, with sexual harassment and assault in jiu-jitsu.

Here is the full statement issued to accompany the survey:

I’ve recently launched a survey regarding sexual harassment and sexual assault in the BJJ community. 
if you are 18 or older, and train BJJ you are invited to take it here: 

It takes most people about 3-5 minutes to complete. Please take it, and PLEASE share it with your BJJ friends. 
I’ve set myself a goal of 500 responses (400 was the minimum recommended baseline for statistical significance) If I reach that I intend to share the results with the BJJ community.

If you’re wondering, “who is collecting this data?” I am just a member of the community who one day said, “Someone should really find out, just how many people are affected by this” Then realized that I could be that someone. Beyond that, I am a perpetual blue belt who spends a lot of time in bottom half guard.
Your privacy is important. I may have some help with my number-crunching. But I will be the only one going through any written responses for this English survey. (There may be a Spanish, and French survey in the works) If I include selected anecdotal responses in my final report ANY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION WILL BE REMOVED.

The strength of this data will come from response volume. Please share this survey with any members of the BJJ community, so we can have the most accurate picture of our community. It will be up through the end of the month, at a minimum.”

Click here to take the survey for yourself.

Note that this survey is separate from the one issued and shared by the Jiu-Jitsu Times in 2017; we will also share the results of this survey if and when they are made public.


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