Three Reasons You Need To Make No Touch Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Part Of Your Game

Source: John Salter, Instagram

If you haven’t heard of no-touch Brazilian jiu-jitsu (NTBJJ), then I got one question for you: do you even trane, bro?

NTBJJ is the most effective and lethal form of BJJ out there. It accomplishes everything the originators of BJJ wanted to accomplish when they created their art years ago: giving the weak and helpless a martial art they could use against the strong.

If you haven’t made NTBJJ part of your repetoire, here are three reasons you need to:

Little To No Risk Of Injury

While regular BJJ is a relatively low-risk martial arts, NTBJJ almost completely eliminates the threat of injury.

How? Simple. If your opponents can’t touch you, they can’t hurt you (Unless they throw something at you, of course. Then you’re screwed, bro).

Granted, you might have to worry about slipping on a sweaty floor, stubbing your toe against the door frame while entering the gym, or pulling a muscle while telepathically throwing your opponent across the room, but other than that, you’re almost guaranteed to go home injury free.

No More Smelly Gi Guys

Are you (literally) sick of having to get under the side control of the dude who hasn’t washed his gi since he bought it…3 years ago?!? Well, with NTBJJ, you’ll be able to go home every day as clean and fresh as when you entered class. No more holding your breath in guard or having to deal with sweaty butts in your face. NTBJJ is the clean person’s BJJ.

No Pressure To Bulk Up

You’ve probably heard someone tell you that BJJ is all technique.

You were lied to. In reality, if that white belt opponent of yours has a 60 or 70-pound weight advantage over you, you’re in trouble.

Not if you use NTBJJ, though. Whether you’re dealing with the captain of the wrestling team or a pro bodybuilder, your skinny, toneless arms will be able to effortlessly throw that 250-pound beast around the room like a rag doll. That means you’ll never be pressured to hit the gym and bulk up.

You might need to work on your reflexes, though, as the video from Professor John Salter illustrates.


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