Ben Hodgkinson Calls Out James Brasco For “Embarrassing” Social Media Behavior After Boa Super 8 Loss

Image Source: Ben Hodgkinson/ James Brasco/ Instagram

Australian Grappling Industries director and black belt Ben Hodgkinson was one of many Aussies (including Polaris 8 champion Craig Jones and 2018 UAEJJF runner-up Livia Gluchowska) to compete in last weekend’s Boa Super 8. But even though Hodgkinson’s matches are over on the mats, it appears as though one of his opponents is still up for some verbal sparring.

ADCC veteran James Brasco, who lost to Hodgkinson in the first round of the tournament via referee decision, has been vocal on social media about his displeasure regarding how the match went. Brasco’s main complaint seemed to center around the stalling penalties he incurred throughout the match and the decisions made by the referees.

Image source: James Brasco/ Instagram
Image Source: James Brasco/ Instagram

Brasco then began sharing screenshots of messages from others who seemed to agree with his perspective.

Image Source: James Brasco/ Instagram
Image Source: James Brasco/ Instagram

Brasco then shared a screenshot of a conversation he’d had with one of the referees, who explained his reasoning behind the result of the match.

Image Source: James Brasco/ Instagram

Initially, Hodgkinson himself wasn’t the target of Brasco’s ire. In fact, Brasco praised his opponent’s character and competitive performance in a caption on a pre-event video.

Image Source: James Brasco/ Instagram

But today, it appeared that Hodgkinson finally grew tired of Brasco’s complaints. The black belt (who went on to lose to Craig Jones in the next round) called his opponent out for “blowing up everyone’s phones” and offered him a rematch in an Instagram post of his own.

Image Source: Ben Hodgkinson/ Instagram

Brasco then fired back in the comments of Hodgkinson’s article and with a lengthy rant on his own page, listing his perceived disadvantages and saying that he “was gonna let it go” until Hodgkinson had put up his post. Brasco also said that a rematch with Hodgkinson wouldn’t be “worth his time” without $10,000 plus expenses in reimbursement, but implied that he was eager to continue arguing with him on social media.

Image Source: James Brasco/ Instagram

Whether or not a real rematch between Brasco and Hodgkinson will ever happen remains to be seen, but if we’re to take Brasco’s word for it, it doesn’t look like the social media sparring will be ending any time soon… at least from one side.


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